

  Electrical Maintenance Procedure for Automatic Glue Repairing
  Check the working status of the important transmission device and PLC + touch screen, clean up the dust on the cooling fan in time, and check the negotiation circuit without damage.
  The operation of the machine records things directly.
  1. 开机前检查电源,检查气源是否符合机器要求。电源:220V,气源:大0.5mpa。
  1. Check the power supply before starting, check whether the air supply meets the requirements of the machine. Power supply: 220V, gas source: maximum 0.5mpa.
  2. 如果机器电路出现故障,只能根据电路图解决(用户必须接受过培训或电工)。
  2. If the machine circuit breaks down, it can only be solved according to the circuit diagram (the user must have received professional training or professional electrician).
  The conversion time of parameters must be that AB glue is not allowed to be pressed until the parameters are not in question before the actual casting glue can be poured.
  4. 比例调整后,单位板的分散度有不同数量的胶水,如果之前的参数是稳定的,好做实际的胶水,以确保优良的固化。
  4. After adjusting the proportion, the dispersity of the unit plate has different amount of glue. If the previous parameters are stable, it is better to make actual glue to ensure excellent curing.
  5. 用你的手触摸机会的移动部分,即使断电。
  5. Touch the moving part of the opportunity with your hand, even if the power is off.
  6. 调动B胶时,更换前必须先解除B胶筒的压力。
  6. When transferring B-glue, the pressure of B-glue cylinder must be relieved before replacing it.
  7. 不允许在无意中改变均匀性参数。如果您需要更改胶水比例,请在页更改。
  7. It is not allowed to change the uniformity parameter unintentionally. If you need to change the glue ratio, please change it on the first page.
  8. 不要让AB泵在没有胶水的情况下在AB橡胶桶内变形,以免损坏泵体。
  8. Don't let AB pump deform in AB rubber barrel without glue, so as to avoid damaging the pump body.
  9. AB橡胶桶下球阀处于开启状态。
  9. The ball valve under AB rubber drum is open.


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