

  Many friends who are considering purchasing active gluing machine for hollow glass always have a question, "How about the gluing function of active gluing machine for hollow glass?" How good is it? Can you fill it up? Do you need to sweep the tail manually? Such problems are the concerns of many customers. Today's edition will give us a brief analysis of these problems. Let us have a deeper understanding of the active gluing machine for hollow glass, and increase more trust in CNC machinery and equipment factory.
  一、 说明介绍
  I. Introduction
  The function of active gluing machine for hollow glass should be seen from many aspects. It also depends on the condition of the glass itself, for example, whether the glass is cut artificially or by a glass cutter, whether it is a synthetic laminate or a hollow glass production line, and so on, which will have an impact on the operation of the active gluing machine for hollow glass. Perhaps some friends will ask me, these processes and hollow glass active gluing machine what is the relationship. But in fact, this is a prerequisite. We know that any equipment wants to improve its working efficiency, which has a certain relationship with the working environment and the working foundation. So it is the same on the active gluing machine for hollow glass.
  The gluing function of the active gluing machine for hollow glass mainly depends on the following aspects:
  1. 玻璃的切开问题:在玻璃职业,大多数中小型企业选用的都是人工切开,毕竟玻璃切开机还是有些小贵的,人工切开也同样能够达到作用。可是人工切开时很多时分切开都不是很准确,尺寸差错很大,这样在和片的时分就有或许呈现大小片的状况。假如真的是这种状况,打胶作用一定会受到影响。
  1. Glass cutting problem: In the glass profession, most small and medium-sized enterprises choose manual cutting, after all, glass cutting machine is still a little expensive, manual cutting can also play a role. However, manual incision is not very accurate in many cases, and the size error is very large, so the situation of large and small pieces may appear in the time of and slice. If this is the case, the gluing effect will be affected.
  2. 上丁基胶时需求注意的状况:咱们在上丁基胶的时分,有客户在打丁基胶时打出来断断续续的不连贯,关于工程的要求不是很严格。在这种时分咱们用中空玻璃主动打胶机在打胶过程中,或许就会呈现打胶不满或许有堆积现象。
  2. The situation that we need to pay attention to when we use butyl rubber: when we use butyl rubber, some customers break out intermittently and incoherently when they use butyl rubber. The requirements of the project are not very strict. At this time, when we use the hollow glass active gluing machine in the gluing process, maybe there will be gluing dissatisfaction or accumulation.
  3. 再来就是要找对作业人员:关于作业也要有一个安稳性,虽然咱们打胶机操作还是相当简略的,可是仍然有些细节问题需求注意,这时分尽量找一个作业安稳的作业人员来负责中空玻璃主动打胶机。
  3. Next is to find the right operator: about the operation also need to have a stability, although our glue machine operation is quite simple, but there are still some details need attention, at this time try to find a stable operator to take charge of the hollow glass active glue machine.


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