

The machining accuracy of insulating glass production line depends on the quality of parts and assembly, especially the machining accuracy of parts will directly affect the service performance and life of insulating glass production line. Therefore, it is very important to improve the processing precision of the insulating glass production line.
In the mechanical processing of insulating glass production line, due to the influence of various factors, the correct relative position between the cutter and the workpiece produces an offset, so the processed parts can not fully meet the ideal requirements. After mechanical processing, the degree to which the time geometric parameters of the parts are consistent with the ideal part geometric parameters becomes the machining accuracy.
The machining accuracy of insulating glass production line includes dimensional accuracy, shape accuracy and position accuracy.

和是我国实现可持续发展战略的保证。近年 双组份打胶机,能源消耗量大、能源利用率低、能源供需矛盾加剧,全国各地拉闸限电现象时有发生,在一定程度上制约了经济的发展。
Energy conservation and environmental protection are the guarantee of sustainable development strategy in China. In recent years, the two-component gluing machine has a large energy consumption, low energy utilization rate, and the contradiction between energy supply and demand intensifies. The phenomenon of power cut-off and power restriction occurs frequently all over the country, which restricts the economic development to a certain extent.
尤其我国建筑能耗总量大,比例高,能效低济南双组份打胶机供应商,污染严重 生产双组份打胶机厂家,已成为影响我国可持续发展的重大问题,已是当务之急。中空玻璃产品是我国新近大力推广的一种产品 济南双组份打胶机生产厂家,从目前的市场供需情况分析,在近一段时期内,中空玻璃市场仍将呈现快速上升的态势。今后10年,我国中空玻璃行业的发展空间依然很大
In particular, China's building energy consumption is large, the proportion is high, energy efficiency is low, Jinan two-component glue machine suppliers, pollution is serious, the production of two-component glue machine manufacturers, has become a major problem affecting China's sustainable development, energy conservation has become a top priority. Insulating glass product is a kind of energy-saving product which has been vigorously promoted in China recently. According to the analysis of the current market supply and demand, the insulating glass market will still show a rapid rise in the near future. In the next 10 years, the development space of China's insulating glass industry is still very large


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