

  在包装工业中,控制从自动分配机分配的胶水量是一个普遍的问题。 自动点胶的施涂时间对包装产品的质量有影响。 这也是企业中重要的问题,因此是否要避免此类问题? 今天,济南双组份打胶机将与您分享以下几点:
  In the packaging industry, it is a common problem to control the amount of glue distributed from the automatic distributor. The application time of automatic dispensing has an effect on the quality of packaging products. This is also the most important issue in the enterprise, so should we avoid this kind of problem? Today, Baiqing Automation's old clocks and watches will share with you the following points:
  1. Pressure setting of dispensing machine
  自动分配器为针头或胶枪提供一定的压力,以确保胶水的供应,而压力决定了胶水的量和胶水的速度。 如果压力太高,胶水将溢出并且胶水量将过多。 如果压力太小,间歇和泄漏点可能会影响对胶水量的控制,这将导致产品缺陷。 压力应根据胶水的性质和工作环境的温度进行选择。 环境温度会降低胶水的粘度,使其更具流动性。 此时应减小压力值,反之亦然。
  The automatic distributor provides a certain pressure for the needle or rubber gun to ensure the supply of glue, which determines the amount and speed of glue. If the pressure is too high, the glue will overflow and the amount of glue will be too much. If the pressure is too low, the intermittent and leakage points may affect the control of glue volume, which will lead to product defects. The pressure should be selected according to the nature of the glue and the temperature of the working environment. Ambient temperature can reduce the viscosity of glue and make it more fluidity. At this time, the pressure value should be reduced, and vice versa.
  2. Setting time of dispensing machine
  根据胶量控制的工作经验,胶点的直径应为产品间距的一半。 这将确保有足够的胶水粘合组件并避免过多的胶水效果,这取决于自动分配器设置的时间长度。 实际上,应根据生产条件(室温,胶水粘度等)选择点胶设定时间。
  According to the experience of glue quantity control, the diameter of glue point should be half of the product spacing. This will ensure that there is enough glue to bind components and avoid excessive glue effects, depending on the length of time the automatic dispenser is set up. In fact, the setting time of dispensing should be selected according to the production conditions (room temperature, glue viscosity, etc.).
  3. Drinking machine needle size
  在实际工作中,针头的内径应约为胶合点直径的1/2。 分配过程应基于胶水控制量和产品尺寸。 点胶头应由不同尺寸的不同针头制成,可以保证自动点胶机控制的胶点质量,提高生产效率。
  In practice, the inner diameter of the needle should be about 1/2 of the diameter of the gluing point. Distribution process should be based on glue control and product size. The dispensing head should be made of different needles of different sizes, which can ensure the quality of the dispensing point controlled by the automatic dispensing machine and improve the production efficiency.


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