

  有机硅结构胶粘剂在施工过程中存在四个常见问题:1。2. 缓慢固化;3.结构胶粘剂粘接宽度不足;4. 结构胶体中有气泡和孔洞。如何避免双组分有机硅结构胶粘剂的不均匀混合?
  There are four common problems in the construction of silicone structural adhesives: 1. 2. Slow curing; 3. Insufficient bonding width of structural adhesives; 4. There are bubbles and holes in structural colloids. How to avoid the uneven mixing of two-component organosilicon structural adhesives?
  Two-component organosilicon structural adhesive is composed of main agent A (white gum) and curing agent B (black gum), which is evenly mixed by two-component batching machine according to the proportion recommended by the manufacturer. After curing for a period of time, the mixed structural adhesives obtained good adhesion and physical properties. However, if the mixing of structural adhesives is not uniform after use, the curing quality of structural adhesives will appear.
  How to distinguish the uneven mixing of structural glue? The uneven mixing of structural glue results in white stripes locally. It's easier to see in bright light. The uneven or even uniform mixing is shown in the following figure:
  What happens when the structural adhesives are not mixed evenly? The strength of the structural adhesives decreases after curing, the curing cross-linking is not complete, and when it is serious, the adhesives will become viscous and can not be cured.
  What are the reasons for the uneven mixing of structural adhesives? How? There are four reasons for the uneven mixing of structural adhesives.
  (1) Continuous floral glue: usually mixing block, mixing block assembly error or the use of mixing unit is not enough;
  (2) Adhesive morphology with intermittent regularity: it is related to system failure, such as the proportion of leakage of pump seals or wear of rack;
  (3) Intermittent irregular glue: related to faults, such as filter blockage/needle valve blockage/platen failure/specific pump inlet blockage or sealing failure/safety valve and high pressure ball valve failure;
  (4) After a short pause, start a period of gum: the main reason is the unsatisfactory matching of viscosity, the need to adjust the system pipeline or reduce the working pressure.
  Through troubleshooting of glue machine, the above four kinds of glue situation were solved.
  How to avoid uneven mixing of structural adhesives?
  The glue machine should be regularly maintained to ensure the normal operation of the glue machine. Butterfly test must be carried out before each start-up to ensure uniform mixing of structural adhesives. The butterfly test method is as follows: beating the glue mixer into the middle of the paper and squeezing 5-10 grams, which is equivalent to flattening the paper. Open the paper and check the glue sample. A uniformly mixed glue should have the same color stripes. If the glue has different color stripes, the glue mixing is not uniform.


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